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By 18:00:00


I hope you’re all well.
It’s super strange, I feel like I’m starting my blog all over again back in 2010, I’m stressed and exited.
For this first article I wanted to present you one of my favorite item of the moment, my over the knee boots. Those are one of my favorite from the tiny collection that I’m building. I’ve loved this type of boots since Hight School and now that they are very trendy it’s easier to find ones that aren’t so called “ slutty “. I’m so in love with those one for their color,burgundy is all my life right now, I want everything in " lie de vin" (even my hair, but not for now) and for their style, they remind me of the 60’s with this small squared heels. They are so comfortable and goes with pretty much everything. I know that they won’t be everyone cup of tea but it’s the case of 80% of my closet so it’s ok.

I’ve paired them with my beloved high waisted jean, a basic knitted turtle neck and my “Winnie the brown pooh” coat/jacket

*  Coat/jacket : Vintage
*Turtle neck : H&M
*Jeans : H&M
* Belt : New Look
* OTNB : Primark
*Clutch : Little shop in Paris

La bise Audrey ;)

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2 petits mots ♥

  1. Bonne année à toi aussi
    Très jolie tenue, je n'aurais jamais osé porter des cuissardes mais tu les portes bien. Et pour ta veste en nounous j'adore mais encore une fois je n'oserais pas moi-même.

  2. Une Icône de la mode.

    The best girl ever who whears the style "vintage" perfectly.

    Continues comme ça, tu nous fait rêver !
